
The Tech:

Built entirely with SwiftUI and MVVM architecture. Utilizes Core Data to save and retrieve recipes and their associated data (images, recipes, recipe steps, etc.). Integrated with TheMealDB API, allowing users to fetch random recipes. Additional features include: animated tutorial screens, custom error popups, dark mode toggle, pull to refresh, recipe search, and a unique parallax image effect.

About The App:

Users can add new recipes with as much or as little detail as desired. Users can add a picture to a recipe by either taking a new picture or choosing from the camera roll. Recipes and their associated steps can be deleted if no longer needed. If a user is feeling uninspired, a random recipe can be fetched and added to the recipe list.

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The Tech:

Utilizes MTA's realtime data feed to display live subway information. Feed data is converted from Protocol Buffers/GTFS to JSON via a local HTTP server/Flask app. Built utilizing SwiftUI and MVVM. Data is stored through UserDefaults.

About The App:

Users can select a preferred subway line and view any of its associated stations. Clicking a station will display its inbound trains (uptown and downtown) and time until arrival.

Users can personalize the app by selecting a custom color scheme. Additionally, users can select a default train line; this is the train line used at app launch.

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iOS App Store Clone

The Tech:

Utilizes iTunes Search API to query iOS App Store data & return apps based on user inputted search criteria. Built utilizing UIKit and MVC architecture.

About The App:

Users can enter search criteria as if it were the iOS App Store. Tapping search will return a list of iOS applications that match the search parameters specified by the user. 

Users can filter results by price (Free, Paid, or All). Users can perform additional filtering by app category via the filter screen.

Clicking on an app will bring the user to the App Details screen. This screen displays the app icon, app size, language, screenshots, description, and much more!

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Additional Projects


Messaging app utilizing Firebase to both authenticate users & send/receive messages

Pages of Pain

Tells a short story through static images, dynamic sprites, and user interaction

Bitcoin Price Checker

Pulls real-time bitcoin price in desired currency


Trivia app that generates random questions from a question bank

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